Sunday, September 30, 2007

war of the world.

hey i got an idea! since massive alien vehicles of mass destruction have not attacked us yet why don't we design robots that function almost exactly like them? i assume it won't occur to anyone to put weapons all over this baby (General Patreus i'm looking in your direction). what next? oh yeah, robots that travel through time and kill people to insure the apocalypse. or rudy guiliani winning the presidency. same difference.

Friday, September 21, 2007


because it's better than the list of new fangled weapons comin' down the line. here are some choice quotes. mind you they're from a british person so you'll have to filter out the commie pinko editorial tone. fucking british love terrorism and support al qaeda if you haven't heard.

"And a document released under the U.S. Freedom of Information Act talks of "optimal pulse parameters to evoke peak nociceptor activation" - i.e. cause the maximum agony possible, leaving no permanent damage. "
-no organ failure in sight! damn hippies with their "freedom of information"

"We use the word "medieval" as shorthand for brutality. The truth is that new technology makes racks look benign. "
-ah medieval torture i miss you so!

"Will they just be stuck there roasting?"
-sigh, of course they will.

oh and this schizophrenic lady in a wheelchair was totally resisting arrest. that's why they had to taze her bro. 10 times. too bad about that death side effect.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

ever closer

the near future foretold! announced in a sequence of 3 small boxes.

after that it's juuust gonna get worse.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

dichotomy versus continuum

it's always a continuum friends.

where do you fall on the CONTINUUM OF DOUCHEBAGGERY?,0,5982337.story?coll=la-home-center