Tuesday, November 22, 2005

mommy loves you and wishes she never had you

this story makes my head hurt. yes waking up makes my head hurt too. but i wouldn't simply post about that. i am attempting to imply that I hope that your head hurts when you read it.


Thursday, November 17, 2005

relevant research

okay we've been pretty much negative nellies here at the fat lady for quite some time. time for something a little more constructive. here's some real research going on at M.I.T. that many of you schizophrenics might find very interrresting. roll them r's.


IMMEDIATE (identification and tracking)

man, the best thing about technology is how fast it is! how fast the doods in the video games move, how fast the porn loads, how fastly they can track every move you make and document it and find you whenever they choose to suck your brain out your ear and use it to run their cars that run on brains. and souls. that's the real hybrid car of the future. and you're not gonna have one, friend.


Mr. Twinkesetti, you catch me unawares!

Friday, November 11, 2005

the war is so bright

you have to wear shades. dolph lundgren and wham bam van damm will have nothing on the military in the very near future. did you know that the united nations has rules about laser guns? they're the reason war isn't as awesome in real life as it is in the movies. tell me you are not sick of the stupid united nations not listening to the voice of the mainstream. hey UN, shut it!


Wednesday, November 02, 2005

no techno

in general i see no point to discussing today as tomorrow's mushroom cloud renders it pretty moot, but this is somewhat noteworthy. #1 newsstory on every local news channel: RADIO CITY MUSICIANS ARE ON STRIKE. i guess it's a slow week for news. or is it?