we're going off topic from our hot topic today for a small tally. i encourage any readers (i'm looking in your direction mr. mirror) to submit their findings as well.
ribbons. we all know that one most common and arguably least meaningful way of expressing love and support for the troops by tying an old yellow ribbon 'round some tree or other. but of late the ribbon market has exploded sending old old old ladies in chinatown into a tizzy and pushing their quit time to start time. i've seen a couple of weird ones recently. if you have as well, please post.
titty cancer-pink
america fuck yeah!-red white blue stars and stripes
"the fight against MS"-metallic psychedelic pink and grey hologrammy
"Kars 4 Kids"-forest green-since we have a firm policy against any form of significant "research" here we cannot explain this one and frankly we don' t think it's a good idea.
this seems to sum it up.